Anirban Bhaduri
Research Analyst And Operations Manager A student of Computer Science from IIEST (Shibpur) Anirban had been in the IT Industry with organizations like TCS and IBM. However, having swum in the same waters for nearly fourteen years which, did not provide enough nourishment for his grey cells, he left the industry and took up research on fractal analysis under the guidance of Prof. Dipak Ghosh. Since then he has successfully conducted his experiments with fractal analytics in different areas of science like particle physics and biomedical data analytics which, have been published in different high impact international journals. As he moves on with his research, his belief on the saying from Rutherford - "All science is either physics or stamp collecting" keeps getting stronger. On the other side, however, he feels that there is an immense lack of availability of proper information related to Indian culture in the digital world. This has prompted him to conceptualize and develop frameworks for a realistic and religiously unbiased information base of Ancient Indian culture with latest technologies. His ideas have taken shape in digital platforms like Yamunakinare which delves deep into the philosophical developments around the Bhakti Movement in Bengal as well as in this Purankosh detailing the myths that all Indians love to live with. He is determined to drive or take part in similar digital initiatives for increasing the online availability of information related to Indian heritage.
Following are list of publications that goes to the credit of Anirban Bhaduri

  • Chaos Based Quantitative Risk Assessment of Cardiac Dysfunction
    Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump sufficiently to maintain blood flow to meet the needs of human body. In CHF, blood pumping power of heart muscles becomes weaker compared to that of normal heart muscles. Coronary artery diseases, record of past heart attack (myocardial infarction), hypertension, […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Clan-Model of Particle Production Process-Revisited in Chaos-based Complex Network Scenario
    The multiplicity-distribution of High-Energy-Interaction, had earlier been analysed w.r.t. clan-model and Negative-Binomial-Distribution(NBD), which described the underlying particle production process by means of cascading mechanism. Clan was defined to contain the particles stemming from the same ancestorsand Average-multiplicity within clan was deduced from the best fitted NBD for the multiplicity-distribution of full-phase-space. Since latest data couldn’t […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Pion Fluctuation Study in Pb-Pb Collision at 2.76TeV per nucleon pair from ALICE Experiment with Chaos and Complex Network-based Methods
    Chaos and complex-network based study is performed to look for signature of phase transition in Pb-Pb collision data sample at 2.76 TeV per nucleon pair from ALICE Collaboration. The analysis is done on the pseudorapidity values extracted from the data of and the methods used are Multifractal-Detrended-Fluctuation-Analysis(MF-DFA), and a rigorous chaos-based, complex-network based method – […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Quantitative Assessment of Heart Rate Dynamics during Meditation: An ECG Based Study with Multi-Fractality and Visibility Graph
    The control of thought, attention and emotion is a difficult problem. Thinking of nothing or rather not thinking of something, is the most difficult challenge faced by every human being at different stages of life. An accomplished football player, a singer, musician, physicist or a medical surgeon: the performance of all of them depends only […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Symmetry-Scaling Based Complex Network Approach to Explore Exotic Hadronic States in High-Energy Collision
    Conventionally invariant mass or transverse momentum techniques have been used to probe for any formation of some exotic or unusual resonance states in high energy collision. In this work, we have applied symmetry scaling based complex network approach to study exotic resonance/hadronic states utilizing the clustering coefficients and associated scaling parameter extracted with the complex […] keyboard_arrow_right