The cement holding the universe together is the force of gravity and the glue holding the atoms together is electromagnetic attraction. Particles known as pi mesons or pions appear to be the glue that holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. These particles can be generated at will by high-energy bombardment of matter i.e. high-energy interactions. Throughout the last decade, the analysis of large density fluctuations of pi mesons in high energy interactions has received much attention due to its prospective capability to throw some light on the dynamics of the process of particle production. Fractal is a geometric pattern which is iterated at smaller or larger scales to produce self-similar structure where smaller and bigger fragments of a system look very similar, but not necessarily identical. Various analysis has revealed that this pion production process is self-similar and this self-similarity is indicative of fractal behavior. In a high energy interaction very high velocity pions are produced along with some medium velocity protons that are knocked out which are called grey particles. In our experiments, we intend to analyze the dynamics in pion production process for high energy interaction, where Illford G5 emulsion plates were exposed to a π -beam of 350 GeV and 32S-beam of 200 GeV incident energy per nucleon incident energy from CERN. For each of the interaction, parameters called pseudorapidity(denoted by η) and azimuth angle(denoted by θ) are extracted for the pions produced from the interactions. Then these parameters are analyzed using non-stationary and nonlinear methods using above mentioned methods to get more and more insight from the pion production process.