The cement holding the universe together is the force of gravity and the glue holding the atoms together is electromagnetic attraction. Particles known as pi mesons or pions appear to be the glue that holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. These particles can be generated at will by high-energy bombardment of matter i.e. high-energy interactions. Throughout the last decade, the analysis of large density fluctuations of pi mesons in high energy interactions has received much attention due to its prospective capability to throw some light on the dynamics of the process of particle production. Fractal is a geometric pattern which is iterated at smaller or larger scales to produce self-similar structure where smaller and bigger fragments of a system look very similar, but not necessarily identical. Various analysis has revealed that this pion production process is self-similar and this self-similarity is indicative of fractal behavior. In a high energy interaction very high velocity pions are produced along with some medium velocity protons that are knocked out which are called grey particles. In our experiments, we intend to analyze the dynamics in pion production process for high energy interaction, where Illford G5 emulsion plates were exposed to a π -beam of 350 GeV and 32S-beam of 200 GeV incident energy per nucleon incident energy from CERN. For each of the interaction, parameters called pseudorapidity(denoted by η) and azimuth angle(denoted by θ) are extracted for the pions produced from the interactions. Then these parameters are analyzed using non-stationary and nonlinear methods using above mentioned methods to get more and more insight from the pion production process.

  • A New Approach of Chaos and Complex Network Method to Study Fluctuation and Phase Transition in Nuclear Collision at High Energy
    In this work we have done an exhaustive study of pion fluctuation in pseudorapidity space, azimuthal space, their cross-correlation using Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (MF-DXA) method and finally two-dimensional fluctuation in terms of scaling of void probability distribution for the 32S- Ag/Br interaction at 200 GeV incident energy per nucleon by using chaos and complex […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Azimuthal Anisotropy in High Energy Nuclear Collision – An Approach based on Complex Network Analysis
    Recently, a complex network based method of Visibility Graph has been applied to confirm the scale-freeness and presence of fractal properties in the process of multiplicity fluctuation. Analysis of data obtained from experiments on hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions results in values of Power-of-Scale-freeness-of-Visibility-Graph-(PSVG) parameter extracted from the visibility graphs. Here, the relativistic nucleus-nucleus interaction data […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Azimuthal Pion fluctuation in Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions and centrality dependence – A Study with Chaos based Complex Network Analysis
    Analysis of fluctuations of spatial patterns in pion production process in high energy interaction, has been conducted in terms of conventional approach. However, analysis with fractal dynamics on the scaling behavior of the void has not been explored yet. Void is defined range of pseudorapidity or azimuthal values where no experimental value falls. In this […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Clan-Model of Particle Production Process-Revisited in Chaos-based Complex Network Scenario
    The multiplicity-distribution of High-Energy-Interaction, had earlier been analysed w.r.t. clan-model and Negative-Binomial-Distribution(NBD), which described the underlying particle production process by means of cascading mechanism. Clan was defined to contain the particles stemming from the same ancestorsand Average-multiplicity within clan was deduced from the best fitted NBD for the multiplicity-distribution of full-phase-space. Since latest data couldn’t […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Fractal study of pion void probability distribution in ultrarelativistic nuclear collision and its target dependence
    There are numerous existing works on investigating the dynamics of particle production process in ultrarelativistic nuclear collision. In the past, fluctuation of spatial pattern has been analyzed in terms of the scaling behavior of voids. But analysis of the scaling behavior of the void in fractal scenario has not been explored yet. In this work, […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Multiplicity Fluctuation and Phase Transition in High-energy Collision – A Chaos-based Study with Complex Network Perspective
    Multiplicity fluctuation provides enough information concerning the dynamics of particle production process and even signature of phase transition from hadronic to QGP phase expected in ultrarelativistic nuclear collision. Numerous analyses reported on the fluctuation pattern of pions have been studied from theoretical and phenomenological approaches. Also the fractal properties have been explored to characterize quantitative […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Pion Fluctuation in High-energy Collisions — A Chaos-based Quantitative Estimation with Visibility Graph Technique
    We propose a new approach for studying pion production process for deeper understanding of the internal dynamics of the process for the interaction of π–Ag/Br interactions at 350 GeV. Here for the interaction, list of pseudorapidity values of the produced pions are collected corresponding to the count of grey particles. The number of grey particle […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Pion Fluctuation Study in Pb-Pb Collision at 2.76TeV per nucleon pair from ALICE Experiment with Chaos and Complex Network-based Methods
    Chaos and complex-network based study is performed to look for signature of phase transition in Pb-Pb collision data sample at 2.76 TeV per nucleon pair from ALICE Collaboration. The analysis is done on the pseudorapidity values extracted from the data of and the methods used are Multifractal-Detrended-Fluctuation-Analysis(MF-DFA), and a rigorous chaos-based, complex-network based method – […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Study of Multiplicity Dependence of Pion Fluctuations in πAgBr Collisions at 350 GeV Using Complex Network Approach
    Dynamics of multiparticle production with respect to its multiplicity dependence and finding out detailed and quantitative parameters to represent the dynamics, is still an open area of research. We propose to apply complex-network and chaos-based method, based on Visibility Graph algorithm, for analyzing multiparticle production process which is a nonlinear phenomenon. As an exemplar application […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Study of Void Probability Scaling of Singly Charged Particles Produced in Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collision in Fractal Scenario
    The fractality of void probability distribution, measured in 32S-Ag/Br interaction at an incident energy of 200 GeV per nucleon is calculated. A strong scaling character of void probability distribution in all pseudorapidity regions is revealed. The scaling exponent, called the Power of the Scale-Freeness in Visibility Graph (PSVG), a quantitative parameter related to Hurst exponent, is […] keyboard_arrow_right
  • Symmetry-Scaling Based Complex Network Approach to Explore Exotic Hadronic States in High-Energy Collision
    Conventionally invariant mass or transverse momentum techniques have been used to probe for any formation of some exotic or unusual resonance states in high energy collision. In this work, we have applied symmetry scaling based complex network approach to study exotic resonance/hadronic states utilizing the clustering coefficients and associated scaling parameter extracted with the complex […] keyboard_arrow_right